The Cemetery
The Fredericksburg City Cemetery was established in 1844. Today, it continues to tell the story of Fredericksburg’s history.
The cemetery adjoins the Confederate Cemetery on Washington Ave. Visitors are welcome; the cemetery closes at dusk.
Conservation Workshop
Fredericksburg City Cemetery and the University of Mary Washington Department of Historic Preservation work together from time to time to present the Cemetery Conservation and Preservation Workshop!

About Us
For nearly 180 years, the Fredericksburg Cemetery, also known as the Fredericksburg City Cemetery, has provided a final resting place for many of Fredericksburg’s most notable and influential citizens. The personal stories of these citizens also reflect the story of Fredericksburg. Within this tranquil setting lie former mayors, civic leaders, educators, businessmen, professionals, religious leaders and soldiers.
Familiar names, such as Quinn, Embrey, Wallace, Rowe, Stearns, Heflin, Braxton, Wheeler, Scott, Goolrick and Lacy grace beautifully crafted stone markers and monuments, which often document the accomplishments and achievement of the deceased.
Also lying in repose are those whose names are no longer familiar and whose personal stories have been lost to time.
Collectively, the stories of all the persons interred within the cemetery testify to the enduring nature of Fredericksburg’s illustrious heritage.
The Fredericksburg Cemetery Company, a non-profit corporation, owns and maintains the property and gladly accepts tax-deductible contributions.
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The Fredericksburg City Cemetery Company Memorial Garden
The Memorial Garden is a space dedicated entirely to the burial of cremated remains, an economical and environmentally sensitive alternative to traditional burial. In keeping with our desire to promote a natural process, ashes are deposited directly into the ground. Containers are not used. Ashes will be deposited in sequence within the garden’s concentric area.
The one-time fee of $2,000 covers preparation of the burial site within the Memorial Garden, and a bronze plaque on the granite obelisk in the center of the Memorial Garden. The plaque will bear the deceased’s full name, as well as dates of birth and death. Name plates are added to the obelisk in a sequential fashion. The Cemetery Company will work with the family and funeral home to provide an appropriate service and final resting place for your loved one’s remains.
The cemetery occasionally has full or partial burial lots come available for sale. To be added to the wait list for such lots, please send us an email.
Find Graves
All of our known burials are listed on Findagrave.com . Use this lot map (also found on our brochure inside the cemetery gate) for help finding specific lots. There are over 2000 headstones and nearly as many unmarked graves.
Note that the sections are numbered from the original gate, 1-6 on the east side running from south to north then 7-12 opposite. Section 1, Lot 1, is comprised of several sections originally bought and merged by the International Order of Odd Fellows, thus its irregular and large size. Four lots in the center were donated to “The four churches” in town at the time.

As with all historic treasures, the Fredericksburg Cemetery requires constant and costly work to preserve its beauty and integrity. Ongoing needs include landscape maintenance, the care and preservation of markers and monuments, and the upkeep of the brick wall. You can help secure the future of the Cemetery by donating here through Paypal. Your contributions are tax-deductible.
Visitors are Welcome
The City Cemetery remains active, hosting a handful of interments each year, but emphasis today is on honoring those interred by preserving and maintaining the monuments, structures and grounds of the cemetery.
When you visit, please keep in mind that an historic cemetery can be dangerous. Do not lean, sit or climb on grave markers.
Grave rubbings are not permitted. Take only photographs, leave only footprints.
Only fresh flowers are allowed between April and October. Artificial arrangements, as well as worn or weathered flags or other ornamentation will be removed.

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Policies and Guidelines
Fredericksburg Cemetery Co., Inc. (City Cemetery)
Policies and Guidelines Effective 5/21
Ownership of lots:
- The Cemetery Co. must be notified in writing of any sale or transfer of ownership or control of any burial space.
- Cemetery lots may be returned to the Cemetery Co. by donation or sale. Documentation of ownership may be required.
- Pre-payment plans are available for burial fees and the memorial garden.
- The Cemetery Co. shall be notified prior to any grave being opened or marker being installed.
- All headstones, monuments or markers must be pre-approved by the Cemetery board. This applies to new stones and the repair or replacement of existing ones.
- Monument restoration must be done by a qualified conservator approved by the Cemetery Co.
- All graves are expected to be hand-dug by a professional gravedigger; exceptions must be approved by the Cemetery Co.
- Vaults are not required. The Cemetery Co. discourages their use because of the possibility of disturbing the old graves.
- Multiple burials per lot are permitted so long as space allows.
- No new enclosure of any kind, such as a fence, coping, hedge or ditch, shall be permitted around any grave lot. All plantings must be approved. The Cemetery Co. has the right to remove any plantings.
- Grave mounds shall not be allowed and no lot shall be raised above the established grade.
- No lot or grave shall be covered in whole or in part by sand, gravel, broken stone or other substance which may prevent the free growth of grass.
- Enter at your own risk. The cemetery is open daily from dawn to dusk. Access can be made through the pedestrian gate on Washington Ave. Those requiring motor vehicle access should make arrangements.
- Only fresh flowers are allowed April-October. No glass or breakable containers, no wire which could cause damage to lawn-care equipment. The Cemetery Co. asks that those who decorate graves also return to remove the same. Any ornamentation in violation of these regulations is subject to removal without notice.
- The cleaning of stones and grave rubbings are prohibited without permission (this does not apply to an owner cleaning within their own lot). There are appropriate ways to clean stones. Contact the Cemetery for information.
- No motor vehicle shall be driven off the main roadways without permission.
- Dogs are allowed as long as they are leashed. Dog waste must be removed immediately.
- Landscaping features may be removed, pruned, etc. at the discretion of the Board.
- Toys, stuffed animals, solar decorative lights or other objects are not permitted as grave decorations.
- Commercial enterprises wanting to use the grounds, must have written permission from the corporation and include proof of liability insurance. Others wishing to use the premises should contact the Cemetery.
- State regulations pertaining to cemeteries must be adhered to at all times.
- Keep in mind that the ground is uneven and the old stones are fragile.
- Children must be supervised at all times. Do not allow them to run around, climb on or in any way risk damage to headstones or themselves.
(effective April 1, 2021)
For Lots:
opening for full-size casket: $1000
opening for cremains: $500
Purchase of single lot (approx. 3×9) $3000 minimum
smaller spaces for cremains or infants prorated.
Memorial garden:
$2,000 inclusive, opening fee (when applicable)
Get In Touch
The Cemetery is open during daylight hours only. Enter through the Confederate Cemetery gate, the City Cemetery is to your left.
Our mailing address is P. O. Box 7643, Fredericksburg, VA 22404